New England Fire News
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New England Fire News


Welcome to NEFN (New England Fire News): NEFN sends alerts on breaking police, fire and rescue incidents to your pager, cell phone or other wireless messaging device in real-time, as the incident is happening. With dedicated volunteers monitoring the New England region and or extensive affiliate network we cover coast to coast on most major incidents.

With the launch of the new CAD system you now have the ability to select specific states, counties & cities to receive info from.Here is a summary of some of the benefits of the NEFN:

  • FREE of charge. That's right this is a free service that runs on donations and volunteers
  • Ability to specify the types of incidents you want to receive.
  • Ability to specify the alerts being sent from the US Postal Zip Code
  • Option to have notifications sent to both your wireless device & email address.
  • All changes to your account are made right here on our web site and take effect instantly.
  • Sign up now to start receiving alerts instantly, or click here for some frequently asked questions about NEFN.
Incident Management & Alert Systems
Top 10 Dispatchers
MA2 220
MA12 42
MA691 24
GA881 17
RI27 13
RI67 10
NH554 9
CT45 2
MA981 24
RI27 12
MA145 7
NH54 7
NH554 6
RI55 2
MA42 2
MA691 2
CT106 1
MA288 1